How will you show your child some extra love this Valentine’s Day? There are so many more ways to show your love besides buying a box of chocolates. Think about what is important to your child. What would really make him or her feel loved? Perhaps spending some quality time together, just the two of you would mean the most to him. Maybe your child would feel extra special knowing exactly how you feel about her in hand written note.
Ask your child to find as many red fruits and vegetables as possible at the grocery store then decide together what you can make with them.
Use a heart shaped cookie cutter and cut out chunks of a red bell pepper, include in your child’s lunch or afternoon snack with hummus.
Include a small note in his lunch bag reminding him that he is loved and you are proud of him.
Make a pink shake in the morning using strawberries and raspberries.
Plan an afternoon at the beach or a park you wouldn’t normally go to. If your schedule on February 14th does not allow for a lengthy activity like this, plan another time to go and mark the calendar. Make sure your child knows when this one on one time is coming up, because it could mean the world to him. If the one on one time really resonates with him, consider creating a coupon book of similar activities that he can use when he is seeking alone time with you.
Get all of your crafting supplies together. Make a stop at the craft store for some essentials such as red and pink paper, glitter, stickers, etc. Then spend an afternoon together making Valentine’s for all of the family members.
Make a heart healthy snack together such as guacamole or hummus. Cut up carrots, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers and whole wheat pita bread for dipping.
If you do decide to have chocolate or a sweet treat on Valentine’s Day, share it with everyone, don’t make an issue out of it and make sure the rest of the day is filled with fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and plain dairy.
Happy Valentines’ Day! Leave us a comment below about how you celebrated and showed your love